
Smart City

  1. Urban economy management automated information system
  2. Road Infrastructure Control and Planning System (Record AIS)

1. Urban economy management automated information system

With the purpose of creation of a modern urban management system, we present a software product that provides a solution for a wide range of problems in the field of housing and communal services.

The solution allows you to automate activities of specialized organizations, such as urban operational dispatching services and municipal enterprises, performing cleaning and maintenance of road facilities customers.

Due to the flexible modular architecture, it is possible to create a unified system of integrated dispatching services of urban housing and communal services, which will be further improved by connecting new services.

The system allows:

  • to automate the processes of operational dispatch management of urban housing and utilities infrastructure
  • to create and maintain an electronic register of urban facilities and road transport infrastructure
  • to store, process and analyze large amounts of information received from contractors in a simple and visual form
  • to monitor and control the customers' and contractors' activities, offline as well as online, based on telemetry data
  • to create and use ratings of organizations and administrative units (districts/ prefectures/administrations)
  • to apply the integration with external systems and data sources through web services and create a single information space for the city
  • to get an aggregated view of the state of the urban economy, including objects, resources, planned and actual costs, results of work.

Functional structure of the system

  • Subsystem for preliminary calculation, monitoring, control and analysis of cleaning processes of road facilities
  • Subsystem for preliminary calculation, monitoring, control and analysis of the processes of maintenance of yard areas
  • Subsystem for the waste treatment subsystem
  • Telemetric information processing subsystem
  • Subsystem for monitoring, control and analysis of green plant use
  • Analytical subsystem, including the monitor of the head (Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Head of Government).

Depending on the specific needs of the customer, the system can be supplied as a combination of various modules, as well as modified as new applications appear.

2. Road Infrastructure Control and Planning System (Record AIS)

Designed specifically for the road infrastructure, the system monitors the work of road infrastructure contractors in real time, helping to save significant amounts of money for the maintenance of the industry.

System features:

  • Keeping passports for highways and parts of highways of regional, intermunicipal and local significance, including their structure, characteristics, maintenance, improvements and repair requirements
  • Transparency of the planning costs for the maintenance and repairs of roads, including:
    • creating title lists
    • creating and accounting of local estimates for the performance of works
  • Records of the calculations and revealed violations on public contracts and legal commitments concluded in order to ensure the maintenance and repairs of roads
  • Actual accounting and monitoring of information on road maintenance and repairs during summer and winter seasons
  • Creating statistical reports and the possibility of operational data analysis
  • Obtaining up-to-date information on the current state of road infrastructure using GIS technologies
  • Ensuring the automated formation of technical specifications for the maintenance and repairs of roads and road sections in a unified format.

The structure of AIS Record includes:

  • Keeping a register of the roads
  • Cost planning
  • Accounting and control of obligations compliance
  • Report creation
  • Subsystem for interaction with external systems
  • Mobile application
  • GIS subsystem.

System users

  • Regional and municipal authorities
  • Road management
  • Highway management
  • Local government bodies
  • Contracting organizations.