
Integrated Solutions

Integration nowadays plays one of the key roles in finding the best, quickest and most efficient business management model. It is an irreplaceable IT-tool for the achievement of ambitious business goals under limited financial resources while meeting challenges of the uncertain market environment.

FORS has vast experience in business process automation and integration, and developed its own specific approach for the projects of this type on the base of the Integration Bus.

This approach includes full control and management of information resources, optimization of business processes and modeling of the future development trends.

FORS has a specialization as an Oracle SOA Suite technologies Partner.

FORS Corporate Integration Bus


  • Interconnection of all Applications via standard single point;
  • Business Applications intercommunicate not with each other, but with the Bus.


  • Access to the Applications is provided by the standard open logs;
  • Data consistency provided at various Applications;
  • Data consolidation;
  • Renewal of the in-coming messages;
  • Orchestrating of services provided by the Applications;
  • New systems could be log in without reprograming of the old ones;
  • Demand control of the Applications and their usage;
  • Generating of the cross-cutting processes.

Key tasks solved by the Integrated Bus

  • Low cost of the integration;
  • Double use of the information resources;
  • Transparence of business processes;
  • Flexibility of business and its dynamic growth;
  • De-Risking on:
    • Regulatory requirements compliance,
    • Information loss,
    • Nonsufficient service level,
    • Causeless processes delay.

FORS Integration Bust includes tools of communicating with external applications, services of data transformation, monitoring and control of the messages appeared at the registered systems.