Financial Sector

Bank "Renaissance Credit" Migration of a Zabbix monitoring system from a proprietary database to a PostgreSQL DBMS
RosEuroBank Creation of a system of analytical reporting and visualization of operational data
MBASK — Azerbaijan Insurance company
  • Complex automatization based on INSIS — Fadata
    In 2009 FORS implemented the integrated solution based on INSIS — Fadata software for insurance. It was the first completed project on full automation of the business processes of the insurance company on the territory of Azerbaijan. INSIS has allowed MBASK to automate not only the business processes, but also business logic for all insurance products developed in the company, including individual, collective and life insurance contracts. Also automatic has become the transaction processing for premiums, commissions, benefits and reinsurance. It became possible to carry out operational analysis of the effectiveness of the company MBASK, its divisions and regional branches, to achieve lower production costs and increased profitability.
Mortgage Housing Credit Agency
  • Analytical system based on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition
    In 2009 FORS completed the first part of the project on implementation of the accounting analytical system based on Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (Oracle BI EE Plus) at the Mortgage Housing Credit Agency. By now, the system is fully put into the commercial operation. This unique by its technological complexity BI-solution has become the first in Russia and one from just a few in Europe implementations of the industrial realization of Oracle BI EE Plus solution in the cluster configuration.
  • Data warehousing system
    In 2007 FORS implemented the data warehousing project for this leading financial-insurance company. The primary aim of the project was to upgrade the company’s Business Intelligence instruments and management performance by generating the consolidated information resource for operational and analytical reporting purposes. The system was designed to address the whole range of key challenges: data integration in the single location, reconciliation and aggregating of the separate detailed data, automation of the Reports generation, support of verification and consistency control of data scattered around various applications.
  • Technological integration of internal local systems
    It was provided technological integration (data exchange) between 4 internal local systems. The system is based on ASNU — FORS developed solution for an automated tax control. It was designed in compliance with the Tax Code regulations of the Russian Federation, Chapter 25. The system identifies transactions, incurring tax liability and computes correct tax payments for the required tax declarations of the customers. The system has been functioning at Vnesheconombank since January 2003 and remains under development.