Creation of a new sole billing integrated system based on Fastcom 12


Celecom Group




The full-featured integrative solution Fastcom 12

Project objective

The main goal of the project was to provide a permanent live monitoring of the key financial figures of the building projects and, apart from that, control of the correspondence of the fact to plan estimates, and especially — quality of the building works performed by the contractors.

Project description

The challenges of the project were the significant share of the chargeable telephone traffic, use of the multiple individual rate plans for the B2B-market, and accounting of the different types of the Inter-Operators Agreements.

At Celecom company there were deployed the following modules:

  1. Telephone communication billing
  2. Internet billing
  3. Billing for affiliated telephone networks agreements
  4. For technical record-keeping
  5. For in-coming calls intelligent routing on RADIUS protocol.

Apart from billing, there have been automatized the processes of sales pipeline; access to services; maintaining and technical support. Integration of Fastcom 12 with the other information resources provided seamless data exchange on subscribers, agreements, services, invoices and technical capacities, what reduced timing on claims processing and, therefore, raised the quality of service.


«The main result of the project was the refined accounting of the full subscribers’ data, which serve as a ground for billing and invoicing. Bugs processing and billing performance increased several times. We insure in benefit from obtaining a reliable, flexible and easy tool for revenues management and control. It has fully met our business expectations».

Nickolay Chekin
Celecom, Operations Director

Celecom has Switched to Fastcom 12 →

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