FORS Group

The Fishing Industry of the Russian Federation Gets a Single Portal for Information Interaction


FORS Development Center (FORS Group) announces the creation and b-testing of an industrial monitoring portal for the Russian Federal Agency for Fishery (OSM Portal, The customer was the Center of Fishery and Communications Monitoring (CFMS), which exercises the powers and authority of the Russian Federal Agency for Fishery in the field of control of fishing activities and the conservation of aquatic biological resources.

At the time of the launch of the project in November 2016, the customer did not have any unified information space. Local versions of software implemented by various tools were being used in the territorial departments of the Federal Agency for Fishery and branches of CFMC The processes of receiving, recording and processing of information differed for each territorial office and branch. There were issues with duplication of information, its efficiency and reliability, lack of effective interaction of automated systems. Therefore, the task was to unite all Internet resources included in the Federal Agency for Fishery monitoring system in a single portal, to provide a unified solution architecture and the possibility of remote access to the system services.

The goals of the project were: to create a single point of access to monitoring services through the "personal account"; to ensure the availability of the services and information resources round the clock; to unify the mechanisms for processing applications for the services;to simplify the process of submitting the application and obtaining the results of consideration thereof; to increase efficiency of interdepartmental interaction and to shorten the terms of service delivery.

A.S. Vilkin, Head of the CSFC, notes: "The need for such a platform arose long ago. To improve the efficiency of industry management, it is necessary not only to possess actual, complete and reliable information, but also to provide remote centralized access for organizations and citizens to it, as well as to the services provided by the OSM portal. Thanks to the project and professionalism of the FORS team, we got the opportunity to provide e-services and conclude e-contracts, to collect and process operational and statistical reports, and also to control access to the industrial monitoring services."

"The project provided automation of the provision of public services: from the formation of applications of users of aquatic bioresources to the consideration thereof, formation of responses and relevant e-documents and hard copies, the legal force of which is provided by electronic signatures," adds his colleague, Ekaterina Ilyina, a project manager of FORS Development Center. "So far, there are 6 modules in the system that enable receiving services, issuing permits for the extraction of aquatic bioresources, monitoring the location of fishing vessels, managing contracts, preparing reports and collecting data on harvests, as well as management of portal users. But the system will develop."

The portal has been designed for the employees of the Federal Agency for Fishery and its territorial departments, CSFC, federal executive bodies, users of aquatic bioresources, captains of ships, shipowners (over 5,000 in total).

Another stage of works is coming to an end, that includes developing a numer of several new modules: Keeping registers of vessels and technical means of control, certification of fishing companies for conformity to ISM (the International Code on Safety Management) requirements. In addition, a module for the provision of services and monitoring of the location of fishing vessels is being developed.

In the future, it is planned to create a number of new functions and services, such as centralized management of master data, departmental and interdepartmental interaction through web services, integration with the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation, as well as similar systems of other countries, creating a mobile version of the portal.

The OSM portal has been developed with the open software by PostgreSQL and Java technologies, using TOMCAT as the application server. Security is provided by certified means of information protection.

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