FORS Group

New FORS Mobile Solution increases efficiency of the Corporate Applications


FORS announces a brand new product on the market — enhanced mobile solution for fast, reliable and secure Internet access to the Corporate Applications via mobile devices, including iPad and iPhone. This mobile solution is applicable for the corporate systems operating on the basis of thin client. It should be noted that development of the mobile solutions is a new and challenging business dimension for the company.

Unlike many other solutions of that kind, FORS product provides comfort and convenience in use, high accuracy and speed of interaction, as well as complete representation of the data on the mobile devices screen. Tuning is made fast and easy based upon the specifics of the Application, to which wireless access should be provided.

With FORS mobile solution installed on iPad, iPhone or other mobile devices customers will benefit from the direct access to the Corporate Portal, Corporate Business Applications or Regional Public and Municipal Services Portal at any time and any place, where Internet access is available. Thus, the opportunities for the distance work are getting much higher for the employees, who, being always on-line, could now better control the fields of the activities they are responsible for. Due to the advanced mobile access technologies used at FORS solution, efficiency of work with the Corporate Applications increases significantly.

FORS mobile solution features the following advantages:

  • Direct files download, which is not possible to achieve by the standard Safari browse mode. But now files are imported from the Internet directly, exactly as it does from the PC;
  • Minimization of traffic, especially when the quality of the Internet access is not good due to the catching and compression technologies;
  • Integration with the other Applications of the mobile device — iBooks, iTunes, iDownload, Pages, Numbers, Mail, Keynotes, etc.;
  • Visual display of multimedia materials and diagrams;
  • Flexibility and easy unlimited module-based functionality upgrade;
  • Extended authentication abilities, provided via password or card;
  • More comfort at work with mobile devices.

Innovative function of the direct files download is performed through interaction with other Applications, enabling storage of documents at their catalogues. Also it is provided synchronization with almost all popular mobile devices Applications.

Interaction with Internet resources is proceeded by HTTP; SSL encryption is available. For data transmission it is used XML.

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