FORS Group
Rostov region is ready to joint the Single Electronic Interaction Interdepartmental System of Russia
FORS has completed the first round of works on creation of the regional segment of the electronic government in the Rostov region of Russia, what means successful launch of the system into the operational testing and its technological readiness to be connected to the single Electronic Interaction Interdepartmental System of Russia. The purpose of the system was to supply the technical infrastructure for providing of the state and municipal services to the population in the electronic form.
Local enterprise - Information Systems Regional Center was adopted on behalf of the Rostov Government and Ministry of the Information Technologies and Telecommunications of Russia as the general customer of the project. The system successfully passed the technical expertise and was recognized as fitting necessary norms and requirements.
It should be reminded that Rostov region has chosen FORS solution just next after Archangelsk, where the regional segment of the electronic government is operated on its basis regularly.
Andrey Burin, Head of the Special Programs FORS Department defines the specifics of this project in such a way: «At the moment of the start of the project our customer has already had operating typical-based Register and Portal of the state and municipal services of the Rostov region. That’s why we were faced the task to offer such a solution, that could enable seamless integration of all the data sources and information systems on the single advanced technological platform, whilst keeping existed IT-infrastructure untouched and earlier made investments saved».
The core of the newly developed and implemented system forms the proprietary FORS ready-to-market solution based on Oracle technologies, which enables:
- providing of the state and municipal services via regional Portal in the electronic form with the possibility of the universal electronic card use in the future;
- performance of the state and municipal services in the electronic way;
- informational interaction with all the participants of the Single Electronic Interaction Interdepartmental System of Russia with the possibility of connecting more state bodies, enterprises and organizations as soon as they be ready and willing.
Regional segment of the Rostov region electronic government is built on SOA principles and consists from three functional subsystems: Portal; state bodies and local governing institutions electronic interaction system; and regulations performance system of the Rostov region. For deployment of these subsystems it was additionally required to purchase licenses on the following software: Oracle Database Standard Edition, Oracle WebLogic Suite and SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware.
To the moment more than 50 regulations of the state and municipal services had been converted into electronic form already. In the future it is planned to create a secluded contour of the electronic interaction for all categories of citizens, legal entities, state and municipal enterprises, involved into any form of the information exchange. That would be made by the region itself, who possesses now all the necessary resources and highly flexible infrastructure.
It’s important to note that the customer is fully independent from the provider, and able to develop the system further on itself, staying the sole owner of the whole infrastructure. On its behalf FORS is always ready to support, consult and upgrade the system if required.