FORS Group
New on the market: BPM-system for Urban Development
FORS and CSoft designed a brand new solution for the business process management in urban planning and development. It was a result of the integration of two systems — CSoft Geo Information Portal and FORS BPM-system for the corporate regulations execution.
Being ready to deploy, this integrated software product meet in full the requirements and rules of the urban planning, and therefore, could be demanded by the regional and municipal government authorities responsible for creation a people-friendly environment. System will provide effective solution of the common tasks and will help to set up a solid basis for the Smart City in the future.
Oracle based Geo-Portal is a distributed stereoscopic and attributive data storage covering the territories of the different level — region, municipal, city or subject of the Russian Federation. Portal enables objected-cartographical real estate and land pots recording, including reference books, inventories and catalogues for the operative monitoring and retrospective analysis.
Another extremely important functional block of the Geo-Portal provides electronic docflow — generation, registration and keeping of the electronic documents, running the process of approval for the city objects commercial use, building or reconstruction. However, that was not enough. It was required a special tool for the automatic documents approval from the beginning of the process to the very end. Such a tool was delivered by FORS and integrated with Geo-Portal. It should be remarked, that FORS BPM-system is a comprehensive solution, which is available for all industries or activities.
Due to the ready-to-use processes samples stored at the system, new business tasks could be generated and executed automatically. And what is more important — a customer is free to create his own samples, processes and tasks, in other words — to apply system not solely for the needs of the city planning and development, but for any other purposes. With time, those samples could make a whole library of processes, easy to deploy and operate.
The documents approval process is controlled graphically. Reports generated by the system indicate the level of the performance discipline; help to determine and eliminate the existing «bottle necks». While dealing with documents, employees at any time could switch to the geo-informational resources in order to get data necessary for their work.
Geo-Portal was developed by СSoft on Oracle platform and integrated with FORS solution via API interface, available both as PL/SQL procedures and as web-services.
New solution will be presented to the public at the 8-th Russian Conference «Geo-informational Technologies for the Municipal Government», which will held from 13 till 15 of May in Nizhny Novgorod.